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1.  KIAM Preprint № 8, Moscow, 2025
Authors: Lipatov A.V., Abalakin I.V.
Title: The Hinged Rotor Mechanics
2.  KIAM Preprint № 6, Moscow, 2025
Authors: Arefiev V.A., Lutovinov A.A., Molkov S.V., Pogodin A.V., Tuchin A.G., Tuchin D.A.
Title: Solving the navigation problem by using measurements of X-ray pulsar signals based on data from the «Integral» spacecraft
3.  KIAM Preprint № 77, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aksenov A.G., Baranov A.A., Filina A.A., Chechetkin V.M.
Title: On possibility of nucleosynthesis during accretion on a compact star
4.  KIAM Preprint № 76, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Bakeer A.E., Poveschenko Y.A., Kazakevich G.I., Podryga V.O., Rahimly P.I., Amosov D.V., Terekhov A.P., Gavrichenko A.K.
Title: Two-dimensional modeling of filtration in hydrate-containing formations taking into account gravity on irregular grids
5.  KIAM Preprint № 65, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aristova E.N., Karavaeva N.I., Ivashkin I.R.
Title: Monotonization of a modified scheme with Hermitian interpolation for the numerical solving of an inhomogeneous transport equation with absorption term
6.  KIAM Preprint № 64, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aristova E.N., Karavaeva N.I.
Title: Implementation of bicompact scheme for the HOLO algorithm for solving radiative transport problems in a medium
7.  KIAM Preprint № 58, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Ageev A.V., Boguslavskiy A.A., Sokolov S.M.
Title: Modification of the HEFT algorithm for scheduling parallel jobs on heterogeneous computers
8.  KIAM Preprint № 36, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aleksashkina A.A., Mazhukin V.I.
Title: Molecular dynamics study of the mechanisms of gold ablation under the influence of ultrashort laser pulses using different potentials
9.  KIAM Preprint № 18, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aristova E.N., Karavaeva N.I., Gurchenko A.A.
Title: Features of the implementation of a modified scheme with Hermitian interpolation for the numerical solving of the transport equation with a variable absorption coefficient
10.  KIAM Preprint № 13, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aristova E.N., Astafurov G.O.
Title: High accuracy scheme for neutron transport neutron defense problem
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