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Davydov Alexandr Alexandrovich
ORCID: 0000-0001-5662-817X

2021 year
1.  Conference material, 2021
Authors: Borisov V.E., Davydov A.A., Kostantinovskaya T.V., Lutsky A.E.
Title: Interaction analysis of two streamwise supersonic vortices by visualization methods

2020 year
2.  Conference material, 2020
Authors: Borisov V.E., Davydov A.A., Kostantinovskaya T.V., Lutsky A.E.
Title: Visualization of Two Counter-rotating Supersonic Vortices

2018 year
3.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 50, Moscow, 2018
Authors: Borisov V. E., Davydov A. A., Kostantinovskaya T.V., Lutsky A. E., Shevchenko A.M., Shmakov A.S.
Title: Simulation of supersonic flow in the wake behind a wing at M = 2–4

2017 year
4.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 130, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Borisov V. E., Davydov A. A., Lutsky A. E., Khankhasaeva Y.V.
Title: Numerical study of the flow around spacecraft model

2017 year
5.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 95, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Davydov A. A., Kostantinovskaya T.V., Lutsky A. E.
Title: Numerical simulation of a vortex wake behind a wing at a wide distance from the wing in supersonic flow

2016 year
6.  Monograph, Moscow, 2016 Publisher: ÈÏÌ èì. Ì.Â. Êåëäûøà
Authors: Afendikov A.L., Davydov A. A., Lutsky A. E., Men'shov I.S., Merkulov K.D., Plenkin A.V., Khankhasaeva Y.V.
Title: Adaptive wavelet algorithms for solving problems of hydro- and gas dynamics on Cartesian grids

2015 year
7.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 97, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Afendikov A.L., Davydov A. A., Men'shov I. S., Merkulov K.D., Plenkin A. V.
Title: Algorithm for Multilevel Mesh Adaptation with Waveled-Based Criteria for Gas Dynamic Problems

2014 year
8.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 98, Moscow, 2014
Authors: Davydov A. A., Lutsky A. E.
Title: Numerical simulation of supersonic flows in the wing wake and its interaction with crossing shock waves

2011 year
9.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 70, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Davydov A. A., Sazonov V. V.
Title: The investigation of damping of the spacecraft’s angular rates in the off-optimum situation

2009 year
10.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 32, Moscow, 2009
Authors: Davydov A. A., Sazonov V. V.
Title: Reconstruction of attitude motion of the small spacecraft by measurements of the current from solar arrays

2008 year
11.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 85, Moscow, 2008
Authors: Davydov A. A., Sazonov V. V.
Title: Reconstruction of the spacecraft Monitor-E attitude motion by measurements of the current from solar arrays

2006 year
12.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 82, Moscow, 2006
Authors: Davydov A. A., Ignatov A.I., Sazonov V. V.
Title: Use of Jet Engines for Orbiral Movement Control of a Spacecraft, Simultaneously with Dumping the Momentum of Electromechanical Actuators

2005 year
13.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 47, Moscow, 2005
Authors: Davydov A. A., Ignatov A.I., Sazonov V. V.
Title: The Analysis of Dynamic Capabilities of the Control Systems by the Spacecraft Built on the Basis of the Reaction Wheels