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Chuyanov V. A.

2013 year
1.  KIAM Preprint № 55, Moscow, 2013
Authors: Chuyanov V. A.
Title: The first codes for nuclear reactors calculation

2001 year
2.  KIAM Preprint № 42, Moscow, 2001
Authors: Chuyanov V. A.
Title: The Different Approaches to Nuclear Fusion.

2000 year
3.  KIAM Preprint № 82, Moscow, 2000
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Bifurcations in the Homotopic Mappings.

2000 year
4.  KIAM Preprint № 81, Moscow, 2000
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: The Basic Aspects of Branching of Solutions of Schroedinger Type Equations.

1999 year
5.  KIAM Preprint № 35, Moscow, 1999
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: A Simulation of Neutrino Transport in the Time of Supernovae Cores Collapse.

1998 year
6.  KIAM Preprint № 55, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: The Simulation of Quantum Transport Processes with the Help of Wigner Equation with Self-Consistent Field.

1998 year
7.  KIAM Preprint № 49, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Suslin V.M., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Numerical Solution of the One-Dimensional Wigner's Equation.

1998 year
8.  KIAM Preprint № 44, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Discrete Models of the Uehling-Uhlenbeck Equation.

1998 year
9.  KIAM Preprint № 14, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: An Application of Wigner Formalism to Investigation of the Semiconductor Heterostructures Properties.

1997 year
10.  KIAM Preprint № 47, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Suslin V.M., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: The Numerical Method for the Wigner Kinetic Equation. (One-Dimensional Case.)

1997 year
11.  KIAM Preprint № 16, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Bifurcation of Solutions of Abstract Kinetic Equation.

1997 year
12.  KIAM Preprint № 8, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: A Bifurcation of Solutions of Operator Equations in Spaces with Metric.

1996 year
13.  KIAM Preprint № 108, Moscow, 1996
Authors: Fimin N. N., Churkina G.P., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: A Simulation of Transport Processes in Open Quantum Systems.

1996 year
14.  KIAM Preprint № 94, Moscow, 1996
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Bifurcation in Poly-Parameter Operator Families and Kinetic Equations.

1996 year
15.  KIAM Preprint № 56, Moscow, 1996
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: The Branching of Solutions of Kinetic Equations in Frechet Spaces.

1996 year
16.  KIAM Preprint № 17, Moscow, 1996
Authors: Bodnar L.A., Fimin N. N., Churkina G.P., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Simulation of the Superlattice with Quantum Wells.

1995 year
17.  KIAM Preprint № 132, Moscow, 1995
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Theoretical Aspects of a Cold Fusion Mechanism. 1.'Conventional' Models.

1995 year
18.  KIAM Preprint № 101, Moscow, 1995
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Analysis of Computational Algorithms for Problems Connected with Quantum Vlasov Equation.

1995 year
19.  KIAM Preprint № 74, Moscow, 1995
Authors: Fimin N. N., Chuyanov V. A.
Title: Decidability and Characteristics of the Quantum Vlasov Equation.

1994 year
20.  KIAM Preprint № 8, Moscow, 1994
Authors: Potapenko I. F., Churkina G.P., Chuyanov V.A.
Title: The numerical simulation of the electron heating in laser plasma

1990 year
21.  KIAM Preprint № 125, Moscow, 1990
Authors: Chuyanov V.А.

1988 year
22.  KIAM Preprint № 32, Moscow, 1988
Authors: Suslin V.М., Khlopov M.Ю., Chechetkin V.М., Chuyanov V.А.

1984 year
23.  KIAM Preprint № 61, Moscow, 1984
Authors: Suslin V.М., Chuyanov V.А.

1982 year
24.  KIAM Preprint № 39, Moscow, 1982
Authors: Suslin V.М., Khlopov M.Ю., Chechetkin V.M., Chuyanov V.А.

1980 year
25.  KIAM Preprint № 102, Moscow, 1980
Authors: Бибин В.Л., Chuyanov V.А.

1980 year
26.  KIAM Preprint № 101, Moscow, 1980
Authors: Suslin V.М., Churkina G.П., Chuyanov V.А.

1980 year
27.  KIAM Preprint № 76, Moscow, 1980
Authors: Bobylev A.В., Potapenko I. F., Chuyanov V.А.

1976 year
28.  KIAM Preprint № 77, Moscow, 1976
Authors: Bobylev A.В., Филюков А.А., Chuyanov V.А.

1975 year
29.  KIAM Preprint № 117, Moscow, 1975
Authors: Potapenko I. F., Chuyanov V.А.

1975 year
30.  KIAM Preprint № 33, Moscow, 1975
Authors: Чураев Р.С., Chuyanov V.А.

1974 year
31.  KIAM Preprint № 29, Moscow, 1974
Authors: Voronkov A.В., Chuyanov V.А.

1973 year
32.  KIAM Preprint № 28, Moscow, 1973
Authors: Bobylev A.В., Chuyanov V.А.

1972 year
33.  KIAM Preprint № 79, Moscow, 1972
Authors: Voronkov A.В., Chuyanov V.А.