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1.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 57, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Volkov Y.A., Voronin F.N., Kosarev O.S., Ivanov A.V., Markov M.B., Savenkov E.B., Sadovnichy D.N., Tarakanov I.A.
Title: About the generation of electric discharge in dielectric by photon flux
2.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 54, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Gavrikov M.B., Tayurskiy A.A.
Title: Numerical solution of ionization equations using the fractional steps method
3.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 52, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Voronin F.N., Markov M.B., Tarakanov I.A.
Title: Algorithm for numerical solution of Maxwell's equations for modeling disturbances of the magnetic field by an ionized medium
4.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 45, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Gavrikov M.B., Tayurskiy A.A.
Title: Mathematical model for calculating the output parameters of a stationary plasma thruster
5.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 44, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Ovchinnikov M.Y., Korneev K.R., Perepukhov D.G., Mashtakov Y.V., Trofimov S.P., Petrukovich A.A., Korablev O.I., Zarubin D.S., Mamedov T.T., Koshlakov A.V., Yudanov N.A., Dronov P.A., Nesterenko A.N., Pridannikov S.Y., Tolstel O.V., Shurshakov V.A., Ivanova O.A.
Title: Mission to Mars based on the universal small-size platform equipped with an electric propulsion engine
6.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 42, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Berezin A.V., Volkov Y.A., Kazymov S.A., Markov M.B., Tarakanov I.A.
Title: The model of continuous photon scattering in jne-dimensional approximation
7.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 28, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Shirobokov M.G., Suslov K.S., Ovchinnikov M.Y., Dronov P.A., Pridannikov S.Y., Nesterenko A.N., Tolstel O.V.
Title: Transfer analysis of a light lunar tug with an electric propulsion
8.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 26, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Churbanova N.G., Trapeznikova M.A., Emets V.V.
Title: Modeling flows with porous inserts using QGD-system of equations
9.  Conference material: "Youth Scientific Conference “New horizons of applied mathematics - 2024”"
Authors: Mukhachev B.O., Tkachev S.S.
Title: Simulation of the mechanical interaction of particles with the surface of a moving satellite of complex shape in a rarefied atmosphere
10.  Conference material: "Proceedings of the 7th International Conference “Futurity designing. Digital reality problems” (February 15-16, 2024, Moscow)"
Authors: Tolstykh T.O., Shmeleva N.V.
Title: Strategic priorities of technological development: Approaches and tools
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