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Tkachev Stepan Sergeevich
ORCID: 0000-0002-1971-7867

2024 year
1.  Conference material, 2024
Authors: Mukhachev B.O., Tkachev S.S.
Title: Simulation of the mechanical interaction of particles with the surface of a moving satellite of complex shape in a rarefied atmosphere

2021 year
2.  KIAM Preprint № 27, Moscow, 2021
Authors: Molina Saqui J.C., Tkachev S.S.
Title: Kalman filter application for the angular motion estimation by video processing

2020 year
3.  KIAM Preprint № 73, Moscow, 2020
Authors: Molina Saqui J.C., Tkachev S.S.
Title: Testbench calibration technique for testing attitude determination algorithms by video processing

2019 year
4.  KIAM Preprint № 142, Moscow, 2019
Authors: Shestopyorov A.I., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Linear quadratic control for spacecraft large-angle maneuvers

2019 year
5.  KIAM Preprint № 77, Moscow, 2019
Authors: Okhitina A.S., Mashtakov Y.V., Tkachev S. S., Shestakov S.A.
Title: Method of constructing the optimal thrusters' location for the simultaneous orbit correction and reaction wheel desaturation

2018 year
6.  KIAM Preprint № 19, Moscow, 2018
Authors: Okhitina A.S., Mashtakov Y.V., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Optimization of the thrusters’ location for ensuring the desaturation of the reaction wheels

2018 year
7.  KIAM Preprint № 5, Moscow, 2018
Authors: Shestopyorov A.I., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Control for Three-Craft Coulomb Formation

2017 year
8.  KIAM Preprint № 123, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Shestopyorov A.I., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Linear Quadratic Methods of Vibration Suppression in the Mock-Up Flexible Appendage

2017 year
9.  KIAM Preprint № 110, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Koptev M.D., Tkachev S. S., Shachkov M.O.
Title: Docking algorithm for flexible microsatellite mock-ups on planar air-bearing test-bench

2017 year
10.  KIAM Preprint № 78, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Mashtakov Y.V., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Reference angular motion synthesis for reaction wheels desaturation

2017 year
11.  KIAM Preprint № 14, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Koptev M.D., Mashtakov Ya.V., Proshunin N.N., Tkachev S. S., Fedoceev A. I., Shachkov M.O.
Title: Determination of Aerodynamic Table Disturbances Acting on Microsatellite Control System Mock-Ups

2016 year
12.  KIAM Preprint № 138, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Test-Bench COSMOS for Microsatellite Control System Mock-Ups Modeling and Survey

2016 year
13.  KIAM Preprint № 133, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Roldugin D. S., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Study of the accuracy of active magnetic damping algorithm

2016 year
14.  KIAM Preprint № 107, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Dosaev R.V.., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Two spherical satellite relative motion control in formation flying via variable surface reflectivity

2016 year
15.  KIAM Preprint № 18, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Mashtakov Ya.V., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Effect of disturbances on attitude precision of the remote sensing satellite

2015 year
16.  KIAM Preprint № 61, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Nuralieva A. B., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Mathematical model for a satellite with flexible 1DOF hinged solar panel

2015 year
17.  KIAM Preprint № 58, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Tkachev S. S., Roldugin D. S., Ovchinnikov M. Y.
Title: Equations of motion for a satellite with flexible parts

2015 year
18.  KIAM Preprint № 54, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Mashtakov Y.V., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Reshetnikov A.A., Roldugin D. S., Stuchilin A.I., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Falling Point Estimation of a Body in Earth Gravitational Field by Using Measurements of Several Motion Parameters

2015 year
19.  KIAM Preprint № 26, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Hao-Chi Chang, Mirer S. A., Roldugin D. S., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Dynamical model of a satellite with controllable solar array

2015 year
20.  KIAM Preprint № 24, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Mashtakov Ya.V., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Angular motion synthesis for interplanetary flight

2014 year
21.  KIAM Preprint № 56, Moscow, 2014
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Roldugin D. S., Penkov V.I., Tkachev S. S., Mashtakov Y.V.
Title: Sliding mode control for three-axis magnetic attitude

2014 year
22.  KIAM Preprint № 20, Moscow, 2014
Authors: Mashtakov Ya. V., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Synthesis and constructing the angular motion of the remote sensing satellite for tracking the trajectory on the Earth surface

2014 year
23.  KIAM Preprint № 13, Moscow, 2014
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Hao-Chi Chang, Mirer S. A., Roldugin D. S., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Dynamical model of a satellite with 2DOF solar panel

2013 year
24.  KIAM Preprint № 83, Moscow, 2013
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S., Roldugin D. S.
Title: Attitude control system failure cases response using operational actuators

2012 year
25.  KIAM Preprint № 59, Moscow, 2012
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Nuzhdin D.O., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S.
Title: An Installation for Laboratory Facility Remote Operation to Study Controlled Motion of the Body Suspended on the String

2012 year
26.  KIAM Preprint № 58, Moscow, 2012
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Ivlev N. A., Karpenko S.O., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Roldugin D. S., Tkachev S. S.
Title: 'Chibis-M' Microsatellite Attitude Control Algorithms Flight Testing

2011 year
27.  KIAM Preprint № 40, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Karpenko S.O., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Roldugin D.S., Tkachev S. S.
Title: 'Chibis-M' Attitude Control Algorithm Laboratory Investigations

2011 year
28.  KIAM Preprint № 26, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Karpenko S.O., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Roldugin D.S., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Synthesis and analysis of geomagnetic control using attitude sensor data. Case of sun sensor and magnetometer use

2010 year
29.  KIAM Preprint № 67, Moscow, 2010
Authors: Degtuarev A.A., Tkachev S. S., Mylnikov D.A.
Title: Laboratory equipment for small satellite stars tracker prototype elaboration

2010 year
30.  KIAM Preprint № 28, Moscow, 2010
Authors: Ivanov D. S., Tkachev S. S., Karpenko S.O., Ovchinnikov M. Y.
Title: Calibration of Satellite Attitude Determination Sensors

2010 year
31.  KIAM Preprint № 25, Moscow, 2010
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Study of the algorithm for the 3-axis reaction wheel attitude control system

2010 year
32.  KIAM Preprint № 15, Moscow, 2010
Authors: Barabash S.V., Ivanov D. S., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Balloon payload attitude control system

2008 year
33.  KIAM Preprint № 50, Moscow, 2008
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Computer and Laboratory Simulation of Controllable System Dynamics

2005 year
34.  KIAM Preprint № 92, Moscow, 2005
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Tkachev S. S.
Title: Effect of Weak Perturbations on the Relative Motion of Two Satellites