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KIAM Preprint № 87, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Kartashev V.A., Nesterov S.S.
Color choosing for cassette with parts in assembly zone
Before the robot captures the part, it is necessary to make sure that its position is correct. The control can be performed by computer vision system. The speed and accuracy of highlighting the visual image of part are important criteria for evaluating of the computer vision algorithm. The paper investigates the possibility to simplify the task of image binarization by choosing the color of cassette for parts, which differs significantly from the color of the parts not only in normal lighting, but also with small changes. The methods of scene image presenting are proposed, that allow to select the cassette color. The experiments show that proper color selection makes possible to became accurate part image by simple binarization conditions.
robotization, computer vision, binarization algorithm, color of cassette for parts
Publication language: russian,  pages: 12
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Kartashev Vladimir Alekseevich, RAS
  • Nesterov Stanislav Sergeevich, RAS