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Article, Moscow, 2005
журнал 'Математическое моделирование'
Authors: Dzhegutanov F.R., Kiril'chenko A. A.
Research of the Phenomenon of 'Interference' for Laser Distance-measuring Surveillance-information System
While examining the environment by a distance-measuring system of mobile robot the discreetness of examination in the basic plane (or basic straight line in the cylindrical version) is an essential characteristic. The essence of 'interference' phenomenon in case of repeated examinations consists in the following: with slow movement of MR and corresponding unrolling of distant viewed-informational system the position of the spots of the repeated measuring net may not coincide with the measuring net obtained during the previous examination cycle. It leads to decreasing the discreetness value of a resulting measuring net. The cylindrical setting of interference research is investigated with a moving and stand by position of MR with a view of assessing the horizontal and vertical resulting discreetness of examination. For the three-measured setting variants of calculation of horizontal discreetness resulted on the basis of the theorem of types of extreme points and Voronov diagram. The obtained results allow to carry out an effective parameters setting of a distant system of a mobile robot depending on the concrete tasks.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Dzhegutanov F.R.
  • Kiril'chenko A. A.,  KIAM RAS