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KIAM Preprint № 36, Moscow, 2024
Authors: Aleksashkina A.A., Mazhukin V.I.
Molecular dynamics study of the mechanisms of gold ablation under the influence of ultrashort laser pulses using different potentials
Using simulation with a continuum-atomistic model, a study of ablation under the action of an ultrashort laser pulse on a metal (Au) was carried out. Three regimes of ablation were studied: supercritical expansion, phase explosion, and mechanical spallation. The results for two EAM potentials of gold are compared. A graph of the dependence of the amount of removed substance on the fluence of laser radiation for two potentials is constructed, followed by comparison with experimental data.
modeling, ultrashort laser ablation, gold
Publication language: russian,  pages: 30
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Aleksashkina Anna Andreevna, RAS
  • Mazhukin Vladimir Ivanovich, RAS