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KIAM Preprint № 78, Moscow, 2023
Authors: Streltsov A.I., Grushevskii A.V., Zakhvatkin M.V.
Adaptive methods for orbit determination and identification of maneuvers in GEO using optical measurements
The article presents modern methods for solving the problem of determining the motion parameters of a maneuvering spacecraft using trajectory optical measurements and analysis of spacecraft maneuvers in GEO, synthesis of the main criteria for their classification, and obtaining appropriate estimates of the cost of characteristic velocity. A highly efficient algorithm for fixing leads with verification of deorbit with GOST and ISO requirements is described.
GEO, spacecraft, maneuver, maneuver analysis, optical measurements
Publication language: russian,  pages: 14
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Streltsov Arthur Igorevich, RAS
  • Grushevskii Alexey Vasilyevich, RAS
  • Zakhvatkin Mikhail Vitalyevich, RAS