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KIAM Preprint № 53, Moscow, 2023
Authors: Korshunova A.N., Lakhno V.D.
Transition from a uniform mode of polaron motion to an oscillatory one when the initial polaron state changes
A study of the nature of the motion of a Holstein polaron in a homogeneous polynucleotide chain in a constant electric field, depending on the initial polaron state, was carried out. The calculations performed showed that the duration of the uniform motion of the polaron along the chain is finite and depends on the entire set of system parameters, including the characteristic size of the initial polaron state. It is shown that at a fixed value of the electric field intensity, an increase in the characteristic size of the initial polaron state leads to a decrease in the time of uniform motion of the polaron along the chain. It is also shown that a change in the shape of the initial polaron state exerts influence upon not only the duration of the uniform motion of the polaron along the chain, but also the characteristics of the low-density components of the polaron.
nanobioelectronics, nanowire, molecular chain, polaron, DNA, charge transfer, Holstein model
Publication language: russian,  pages: 26
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Korshunova Alevtina Nikolaevna, RAS
  • Lakhno Victor Dmitrievich, RAS