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KIAM Preprint № 51, Moscow, 2023
Authors: Savenko N.O.
On the difference approximation of gas-dynamic flows on the free boundaries of the computational domain
The paper presents a technique for constructing non-reflective boundary conditions based on local one-dimensional approximation of gas-dynamic flows using data obtained by extrapolation along a streamline. The technique is focused on obtaining the correct values of variables on the free boundary of the region, mainly in two-dimensional and three-dimensional formulations. The work also considers a method for implementing non-reflective boundary conditions based on a homogeneous linear differential transport equation with adjustment of variables in accordance with the characteristic form of the gas dynamics equations.
gas dynamics, non-reflective boundary conditions, finite-difference scheme, locally one-dimensional technique
Publication language: russian,  pages: 28
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Savenko Nikita Olegovych, RAS