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KIAM Preprint № 5, Moscow, 2023
Authors: Tayurskiy A.A.
Investigaion of the effect of plasma inhomogeneity with bremsstrahlung and photorecombination radiation on the absorption of an Alfven wave
We numerically study the nonlinear absorption of a plane Alfven wave incident on a fixed boundary of a dissipative inhomogeneous plasma, which is caused by dissipative factors, including bremsstrahlung and photorecombination radiation. Density inhomogeneities specified using a Gaussian distribution are considered. The study is based on the equations of two-fluid electromagnetic hydrodynamics with full allowance for the inertia of electrons. The proposed implicit difference scheme for calculating plane-parallel flows of a two-fluid plasma made it possible to reveal a number of important absorption patterns. In particular, it is shown that absorption with allowance for bremsstrahlung and photorecombination radiation for an inhomogeneous plasma leads to blocking of the Alfven wave in a dissipative plasma. The dependences of the depth of penetration of the Alfven wave and the maximum temperatures of electrons and ions on the size of the density inhomogeneity are obtained.
classical MHD, electromagnetic hydrodynamics (EMHD), Alfven wave, bremsstrahlung, photorecombination radiation
Publication language: russian,  pages: 16
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Tayurskiy Aleksei Aleksandrovich, RAS