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KIAM Preprint № 76, Moscow, 2021
Authors: Podlazov A.V.
Extra investigation of the self-organized critical Manna model at higher critical dimension
I investigate the nature of the upper critical dimension for isotropic conservative sandpile models and calculate the emerging logarithmic corrections to power-law distributions. I check the results experimentally using the case of Manna model with the theoretical solution known for all statement starting from the two-dimensional one. In addition, based on this solution, I construct a non-trivial super-universal indicator for this model. It characterizes the distribution of avalanches by time the border of their region needs to pass its width.
self-organized criticality, sandpiles, Manna model, scale invariance, power laws, logarithmic corrections, upper critical dimension, super-universal indices
Publication language: russian,  pages: 12
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Podlazov Andrey Viktorovich, RAS