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KIAM Preprint ¹ 2, Moscow, 2021
Authors: Golubev Y.F., Grushevskii A.V., Korianov V.V., Tuchin A.G., Tuchin D.A.
Gravity assists gravitational scattering and the perturbation rings in the Solar system
As a result of the analysis of various restrictions on the gravity assists maneuvers (GM) conduction, the generalized estimates of near-planetary regions sizes, the “perturbation rings”, are conducted, in which GM realization for the arbitrary celestial bodies trajectory beams is guaranteed. They can be represented by the transplanetary comets and meteoroids streams, as well as beams of virtual spacecraft trajectories in the mass calculations of the interplanetary mission design. The analysis shows that the characteristic “perturbation rings” of the largest size have Neptune and Saturn, and the Jovian “perturbation ring” occupies only the fourth place in the Solar system.
gravitational scattering, phase beams, the planetary effective radius, gravity assist, perturbation circle, transplanetary meteoroid streams, transplanetary comet showers
Publication language: russian,  pages: 26
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Golubev Yury Filippovich, RAS
  • Grushevskii Alexey Vasilyevich, RAS
  • Korianov Victor Vladimirovich, RAS
  • Tuchin Andrey Georgievich, RAS
  • Tuchin Denis Andreevich, RAS