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KIAM Preprint № 49, Moscow, 2020
Authors: Gavrikov B. M., Gavrikov M.B., Pestryakova N.V.
On the stability of the statistical classifier of states of human body systems to distortions in degenerate cases
The methodology and the results of the analysis of the properties of the classifier developed by the authors are described, which are intended for assessing the state of human health according to the results of laboratory analysis of peripheral blood. It is based on the non-linear method of statistical classification, using the polynomial-regression approach and having probabilistic estimates. A study is made of the stability of the method to distortion and of its extrapolation capabilities. Signs that are of constant importance for one of the health classes are considered.
human health, body system, peripheral blood, classification, polynomial regression
Publication language: russian,  pages: 26
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Gavrikov Boris Mikhailovich, RAS
  • Gavrikov Mikhail Borisovich, RAS
  • Pestryakova Nadejda Vladimirovna,  ,  ISA RAS FRC CSC RAS