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KIAM Preprint № 123, Moscow, 2020
Authors: Senotov V.D., Aliseychik A. P., Pavlovsky E.V., Podoprosvetov A.V., Orlov I. A.
Algorithms for swarm decentralized motion control of group of robots with a differential drive
This work proposes a method for tuning the algorithm for motion control of group of robots moving on a plane, which, on the one hand, leaves the rules of local interaction at the basis of the algorithm, and on the other hand, optimizes the motion of robots with respect to criteria (estimates) evaluating the behavior of the swarm as a whole.
swarm robotics, differential drive, motion simulation, behavioral control, decentralized algorithms, artificial forces
Publication language: russian,  pages: 39
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Senotov Valery Dmitrievich,,  Ivannikov Institute for System Programming
  • Aliseychik Anton Pavlovich, RAS
  • Pavlovsky Evgeny Vladimirovich, RAS
  • Podoprosvetov Aleksei Valerievich, RAS
  • Orlov Igor Aleksandrovich, RAS