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KIAM Preprint № 15, Moscow, 2019
Authors: Kolesnichenko A. V.
To the derivation of symmetry of matrix of kinetic coefficients Onsager in framework of the nonextensive statistical mechanics of Tsallis
In the framework of the nonextensive statistical mechanics of Tsallis, Onsager symmetry relations for the kinetic coefficients in linear regression equations for even and odd (when the velocities of elementary particles change direction) small fluctuations of macroscopic state parameters are derived. At a macroscopic level, these relations reflect the invariance of microscopic equations of motion with respect to time reversal. As in the case of classical Gibbs statistics, this conclusion is based on the theory of equilibrium fluctuations of dynamic variables characterizing the system, and on the properties of their invariance with respect to time reversal. In addition, the Onsager postulate was used, according to which the attenuation of the equilibrium fluctuations of the thermodynamic parameters of the state is described by linear differential equations of the first order. Traditional reciprocity relations for extensive systems are obtained from the derived relations in the case when the deformation parameter q, included in the parametric entropy functional of Tsallis, is equal to one.
nonextensive systems, generalized entropy of Tsallisy, Onsager reciprocity relations
Publication language: russian,  pages: 24
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Kolesnichenko Aleksandr Vladimirovich, RAS