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KIAM Preprint ¹ 111, Moscow, 2019
Authors: Baluta V. I., Osipov V. P., Chetverushkin B.N., Yakovenko O.Y.
Simulation of dynamics and adaptation in the space of conflict interaction of the intelligent agents
The article presents the results of research aimed at developing mathematical methods of conflict simulation in conditions of significant uncertainty on the basis of multi-agent approach. The structure of parameters for describing the state of agents in the phase space of conflict interaction is developed. It allowed to carry out the purposeful analysis of dynamics of a situation and to form adaptive behavior of intelligent agents. The efficiency of the trajectory of achieving the goal in the phase space is estimated by the criteria of the admissibility of resource costs and the degree of proximity to the target state. The proposed approach makes it possible to develop an effective strategy of behavior in the conflict, taking into account the possible opposition from the enemy. The results of numerical experiments demonstrating the proposed methodological approaches are presented.
intelligent agents, non-conflict environment, conflict trajectory, phase space, state space, electronic polygone
Publication language: russian,  pages: 32
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Baluta Victor Ivanovich, RAS
  • Osipov Vladimir Petrovich, RAS
  • Chetverushkin Boris Nikolaevich, RAS
  • Yakovenko Oleg Yurievich,  L.L.C «Institute of applied simulation and forecasting»