Superconducting properties of a nonideal bipolaron gas
The properties of a Bose gas of translation-invariant (TI) bipolarons analogous to Cooper pairs are considered. As in the BCS theory, the description of a TI-bipolaron gas is based on the electron-phonon interaction and Froehlich Hamiltonian. As distinct from the BCS theory, when the correlation length greatly exceeds the mean distance between the pairs, here we deal with the opposite case when the correlation length is much less than the distance between the pairs. We calculate the critical temperature of the transition of a TI-bipolaron Bose-gas into the superconducting state, its energy, heat capacity and heat of the transition. The results obtained are used to explain the experiments on high-temperature superconductors. Possible ways of raising the critical temperature of high-temperature superconductors are discussed.