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KIAM Preprint ¹ 268, Moscow, 2018
Authors: Akhmetshin R.Z.
“Not full” two-boundary problem for finding multi-orbital transfers with zero low thrust in the shadow
A lot of calculations of multi-orbital transfers from elliptical orbit (with perigee distance ≈ 15.6 and apogee distance ≈ 83.2 thousand km, and inclination 13°) to geostationary orbit of spacecraft with low thrust, which becomes zero in the Earth shadow, is done. To find such trajectories so called 'not full' two-boundary problem that do not include a condition of optimal crossing the shadow line is solved. That's why trajectories are not optimal, but in many cases expenditure of working substance is not much more than on a trajectory without switching off the low thrust. For longitude of ascending node equal to 180° and different start dates the difference is later than 1%. The peculiarity of two-boundary problem is that in some cases more than one solution may exist.
multi-orbital trajectories, spacecraft, low thrust, geostationary orbit, Earth shadow, two-boundary problem
Publication language: russian,  pages: 32
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Akhmetshin Rauf Zulfarovich,  KIAM RAS