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KIAM Preprint ¹ 241, Moscow, 2018
Authors: Shcheritsa O.V., Mazhorova O. S.
Methods for study the flow of complex structure
Methods for studying and describing the flow of complex structure is demonstratåd. Approaches based on spectral methods, on the theory of dynamic systems and on the computational homology methods are considered. All methods were applied to analyze a multiscale convection in a horizontal fluid layer with the temperature dependence of thermal diffusivity. It is shown that full description of the flow of complex structure can be obtained from a combination of different methods and approaches of the flow study.
multiscale convection, mathematical modeling, spectral methods, computational homology, attractor
Publication language: russian,  pages: 33
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Shcheritsa Olga Vladimirovna, RAS
  • Mazhorova Olga Semenovna, RAS