On the contributions of the UV−radiation of Sun, chemical and photochemical reactions to the energy equation for the upper atmosphere
Considered the outer gas envelopes of planets and comets, located in the border areas between the atmosphere and outer space. On the basis of Boltzmann kinetic equations for multicomponent mixtures of polyatomic gases taking into account radiation and chemical reactions in collision integrals, an approach is developed that allows to take into account correctly the contribution to the energy equation of radiation and chemical sources of heating of the medium due to direct absorption of solar energy and the multi-channel complex of aeronomical processes. As an example, the function of heating the Earth's thermosphere by solar ionizing radiation and energetic particles that have the most significant impact on the thermal regime, dynamics and emission properties of high-latitude regions of the thermosphere is presented.
kinetic equation, reacting gas mixture, aeronomical processes, function of heating the thermosphere
Publication language:russian, pages:39
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics