On the software development using “client-server” technology for models of flows in porous media containing gas-hydrate depositions
The work concerns with algorithms and data structures put on the basis of the code, intended for modeling flows in porous media containing gas hydrates, i.e. low-molecular compounds of natural gas (methane et al.) and water. At low temperature and certain pressure conditions gashydrates exist in a solid phase occupying part of the pore space. The ñode «HYDRAT1D» solves the fluid dynamics equations in the thawed zone and piezoconductivity medium with gas hydrate inclusions. It accounts for a complete set of essential physical effects and implements calculations in 1D planar and cylindrical geometries. The code is written in JavaScript (JS) on the basis of the JS interpreter (the V8 'engine»). Work with the code 'HYDRAT1D' is organized according to the principles of computer architecture 'client-server' which makes the code convenient in remote calculations, cloud technologies etc.
JavaScript, Node.JS, klient-server technology, Gas hydrates, fluid dynamics, numerical modeling
Publication language:russian, pages:20
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics