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KIAM Preprint № 58, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Afendikova N. G.
About the role of M.V. Keldysh in some key moments of the development of Russian computer technology
The name of M.V. Keldysh is associated with outstanding achievements of Russian science in solving problems posed by time and country. It is interesting to trace his influence on the appearance of the first computers and the development of the computer base in the country. The scientific community recognized the importance of the development of computer technology, but the question of the priority of universal digital computers was not decided immediately. In making this decision, the role of academician M.V. Keldysh was undeniable. It is known that M.V. Keldysh paid attention to the works of S.A. Lebedev on the creation of MESM and BESM computers in 1948-53 . Nevertheless, the Strela computer, created in Special Design Bureau 245, became the first mainframe computer manufactured serially.
MESM, BESM, 'Strela'
Publication language: russian,  pages: 12
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Afendikova Nadezhda Gennadievna, RAS