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KIAM Preprint № 146, Moscow, 2017
Authors: Didych Y.O., Malinetskii G. G.
About the one multiagent optimization problem in positional games
Model of carrier strike group being attacked by cruise missiles is presented. The discrete problem established on the grid field is solved. The objects being attacked through simulation are ships, which are presented with two characteristics: defensive one and attacking. Defensive characteristic allows the ship to stay in the game despite being shot by missile, whereas attacking characteristic is helpful when ship attacks missiles in a certain radius. Main objective function of the optimization problem includes harm, born by carrier. The optimization problem consisting of harm maximization for carrier for a certain sum of attacking missiles is solved. The work is methodical in character and the presented approaches can be useful in solving other tasks of managing multi-agent systems.
mathematical modeling, carrier strike group, simulated annealing method, cruise missiles, multi-agent systems, optimization problems
Publication language: russian,  pages: 12
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Didych Yaroslav Olegovich,  ,  ГК «Хомнет Консалтинг»
  • Malinetskii Georgii Gennadyevich, RAS