Information-thermodynamic substantiation of the principle of Le Chatelier−Brown for chemically active hydrodynamic systems in a steady state
We consider the information and thermodynamic aspects of the transition between the quasi-stationary states in irreversible physical processes in the open continuous system which is in non-equilibrium contact with the environment and share with it the information, energy, substance, etc. Are resulted the specific characteristics of theoretic information approach, associated with the study of combined evolution of entropy and information distinction of Kullback, both in time and in space of control parameters. It is established the fundamental inequality of information thermodynamics of physical processes for an open system in a nonequilibrium steady state, interacting with the environment. On this basis, we studied the influence of external fields on the thermodynamic irreversible transitions between macroscopic states in multicomponent reactive rotating systems that are situated both near and far from equilibrium conditions. The problem of the system response to an external action is closely linked with the famous heuristic principle of the least restriction of Le Chatelier−Brown, who was initially created only for the thermodynamically stable equilibrium state.The paper presents a generalization of this principle for the stationary states of the chemically active hydrodynamic systems.
nonequilibrium thermodynamics, information entropy Gibbs−Shannon, information distinction of Kullback, transport processes
Publication language:russian, pages:36
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics