Approximations of algebraic functions by rational ones – functional analogues of diophantine approximants
A goal of this note is to discuss applications of our result on asymptotics of the convergents of a continued fraction of an analytic function with branch points. We consider famous problems: on normality of the Pade approximants for algebraic functions (a functional analog of the Thue-Siegel-Roth theorem and ε = 0 Gonchar–Chudnovskies conjecture), on estimation of the number of “spurious” (“wandering”) poles of rational approximants for algebraic functions (Stahl conjecture), on appearance and disappearance of the Froissart doublets.
rational approximants, algebraic functions, strong asymptotics, degree of the diophantine approximations
Publication language:russian, pages:24
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods