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KIAM Preprint № 61, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Vernik P.A., Ivanov V.V., Kazachkovskiy S.V., Korshuk V.A., Malinetskii G. G., Neiman E.I., Posashkov S.A., Smolyak A.S.
Organizing innovations and mathematical modelling of the state defence order execution process. Part 1
We discuss the mechanism of implementation of the state defence order (SDO) on the basis of system analysis of the text of federal law #159 accepted 29.09.2015, in accordance with information from open sources and the simplest mathematical models. That federal law came into force at 01.09.2015. Problems, arising from realization of new rules, institutional and logical deadlocks and ambiguities are analysed.
defence order, system analysis, mathematical modelling, institutional deadlock, 6th technological style, bureaucratization, federal law, forecast, expertise, Russian academy of science, authorised banks
Publication language: russian,  pages: 32
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Vernik Petr Arkadjevich,  ,  Институт стратегий развития
  • Ivanov Vladimir Viktorovich,  ,  Президиум РАН
  • Kazachkovskiy Sergey Vasiljevich,  ,  РТИ им. А.Л.Минца
  • Korshuk Vadim Alekseevich,  ,  Институт стратегий развития
  • Malinetskii Georgii Gennadyevich, RAS
  • Neiman Eugeny Iosifovich,  ,  ЗАО «РОСЭКО»
  • Posashkov Sergey Aleksandrovich,  ,  Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ
  • Smolyak Alexander Sergeevitch,  ,  ЗАО «РОСЭКО»