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KIAM Preprint ¹ 15, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Golubev Y. F., Grushevskii A. V., Korianov V. V., Tuchin A. G., Tuchin D. A.
Orbit’s inclination change of celestial bodies in the Solar system with using gravity assists maneuvers
Maneuvers for the orbit's inclination change have especially energy consumption in astrodynamics. Of course – raising additional sources of energy for them at the expense of using gravity assist is a priority. Reputed as canonical evaluations of variation of inclination of the spacecraft’s orbital plane upon the gravity assist needed to be clarified. This paper presents the results of the corresponding calculations of the refined spatial evaluation of possible changes in the inclination of the spacecraft’s orbit during gravitational maneuvers near the planets of the Solar system. These design is demanded for the creating of modern ballistic scenarios for space missions to study the inner heliosphere from positions outside of ecliptic plane (the national mission 'Interheliozond' also ESA mission 'Solar Orbiter').
celestial body, cranking gravity assist, angle of the infinity velocity rotation, high inclined heliocentric orbit
Publication language: russian,  pages: 36
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
Russian source text:
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About authors:
  • Golubev Yury Filippovich, RAS
  • Grushevskii Alexey Vasilyevich, RAS
  • Korianov Victor Vladimirovich, RAS
  • Tuchin Andrey Georgievich, RAS
  • Tuchin Denis Andreevich, RAS