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KIAM Preprint № 31, Moscow, 2015
Authors: Trofimov S. P.
Dynamically Invariant Scaling of Square Solar Sail Systems
The problem of square sail system scaling is solved so that the requirements of invariant characteristic acceleration and constant relative boom bending are satisfied. The limit value of payload mass is revealed for a given sail prototype to provide the required level of characteristic acceleration under scaling. The ratio of the deployment mechanism mass and the boom mass ensuring the maximum payload mass fraction is derived. The results are applied to the problem of comparing the efficiency of sail systems and low-thrust systems in deorbiting low-earth satellites.
square solar sail, solar sail system scaling, characteristic acceleration, deorbiting, small satellite
Publication language: russian,  pages: 16
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Trofimov Sergey Pavlovich, RAS