Informational-thermodynamic conception of processes formation of self-organization in open systems under influence of external environment
Considered the information and thermodynamic aspects of the formation of dissipative structures in irreversible physical processes in an open dynamic system in a non-equilibrium contact with the environment and share it with energy, matter, etc. Discusses the main aspects of the information-theoretic approach, connected with investigation of the evolution of the entropy of Gibbs-Shannon and information differences of Kullback both in time and in space of control parameters. Information and thermodynamic approach used in the study of nonequilibrium phenomena in continuous media away from thermodynamic equilibrium. Analyzed the implications of this approach, in which an important role is played by the total local production of macroscopic entropy and information differences. Discusses the effect of changes in external parameters on the processes of self-organization and irreversibility in thermodynamically open multi-component systems.
information theory, entropy of Gibbs−Shannon, information differences of Kullback, self-organization, thermodynamics irreversible processes
Publication language:russian, pages:42
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics