By modeling compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence of accretion proto-planetary disk.
As part of the main problems in cosmogony associated with the remodel of the protoplanetary disk of the sun at the earliest stages of its existence, formulated a closed system of MHD equations of mean motion, designed for the numerical solution of the problem on a mutually agreed modeling of the structure and evolution of the accretion disk and the associated corona. Consider a model of a thin (but optically thick) disk, which takes into account the dissipation of turbulence due to the kinematic and magnetic viscosity, opacity of the environment, availability of accretion from the environment, the impact of turbulent αω-dinamo to generate a magnetic field, the magnetic force and energy interaction between the disk and its crown and etc. Of this study is a continuation of stohastiko-thermodynamic approach to the description of turbulent astrophysical systems developed by the author in a series of papers [1-10].
mathematical modelling, thermodynamics of the irreversible processes, averaged MHD equations, the advanced compressible turbulence, protoplanetary disks
Publication language:russian, pages:47
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics