4-dimensional generalization of the continued fractions
Let Li(X), i=1,2, L1≠ L‾2, be two complex linear forms in R4, and Ki(X)=Li(X)L‾i(X) are positive quadratic forms.
The root sets Li of forms Ki are two-dimensional planes in
R4. Assume that L1∩L2=0 and that there are no
integer points except 0 which lie at Li. We propose an
algorithm of computation of integer points that give the best
approximations to the sets of roots Li. If coefficients of forms
Li lie in totally complex quaternary conjugated number fields ki, our
algorithm often finds unities of ki. The algorithm was tested
on the set of quaternary number fields specified by equations with small
coefficients. The algorithm was successful more often than the best of
known algorithms in totally real quaternary case - the Güting algorithm.
Publication language:russian, pages:16
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods