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KIAM Preprint № 27, Moscow, 2010
Authors: Ovchinnikov M. Y., Penkov V.I., Roldugin D.S.
Orienting a spin-stabilized satellite by magnetic control system in the inertial space
Attitude motion of an axisymmetric gyroscopic satellite with active magnetic control system which enables reorientation of the axis of symmetry from an arbitrary direction to a given one in the inertial space is studied. A set of three consequent algorithms is used to control the satellite. In frame of the averaged geomagnetic field model the analytical solutions of the motion equations are obtained. The effectiveness of the algorithms with regard to the task parameters is analyzed.
active magnetic control, spin-stabilized satellite, averaged geomagnetic field model, time-response
Publication language: russian,  pages: 32
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Ovchinnikov Michael Yurievich, RAS
  • Penkov V.I.
  • Roldugin D.S.