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KIAM Preprint ¹ 56, Moscow, 2009
Authors: Vidyakin V.V., Volkov D.M., Voronkov D.N., Galaktionov V. A., Klevchenya A.A., Shevchenko D.E.
Ñomputational modeling of geological structure and extraction process of oilfield
We considered the problems of computational modeling of oilfield geological structure and the simulation of oil extraction process. The paper proposes the interpolation algorithm taking into account main peculiarities of geological maps creation: large number of accidentally located control points, different trustworthiness of information for points, multicoherent boundary of calculation domain, the existence of geological faults. The paper describes the mathematical model of non-steady displacement of non- Newtonian oil by water in essentially inhomogeneous bed tapped by a system of injecting and operating wells. It presents the algorithms of numerical analysis of corresponding boundary-value problems. The features of the model have been keyed in user-friendly software. The capabilities of the software are illustrated through the calculation of several typical problems of oil displacement by water.
Publication language: russian,  pages: 25
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Vidyakin V.V.
  • Volkov D.M.
  • Voronkov D.N.
  • Galaktionov Vladimir Alexandrovich, RAS
  • Klevchenya A.A.
  • Shevchenko D.E.