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KIAM Preprint № 64, Moscow, 2008
Authors: Sikharulidze Y. G., Zhukov B. I.
Dynamic Loadings on the Carrier Aircraft at Implementation of the Vehicle air Launch (the Four-Basic Scheme).
Within limits of the air launch general problem the particular task is investigated. The task includes determination of loads from the transporting and launching container (TLC) with launch vehicle (LV) on the carrier aircraft (CA) cargo floor during flight to the launch site and LV ejection through the back cargo door. The mathematical model is constructed for four-base scheme of TLC mounting to the cargo floor of CA. The model provides calculation of the support reaction, inertia shear and bending moment in cross sections of TLC. The model takes into account an arbitrary change of LV mass per unit length and also any change of load factor on time and LV length. As examples there are considered cases of structural load during flight to the launch site and LV ejection from TLC when CA makes climb up maneuver to provide almost zero gravity condition.
Publication language: russian,  pages: 34
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Sikharulidze Yury Georgievich,  KIAM RAS
  • Zhukov Boris Ilyich,  KIAM RAS