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KIAM Preprint № 86, Moscow, 2007
Authors: Muchnik A.A.
ON S5-T-Y Logic
The least S5-T-Y logic is studied. The language of this logic is formed by addition of the connectives T ( 'tomorrow') and Y ('yesterday') to the language of S5. The T-Y logic axioms (cf. [2]) and the axioms oA → TA ∧ YA, TA ∨ YA → ◊A ToA ↔ oA, YoA ↔ oA with the rule of the substitution are added to the axiomatic of S5. It is proved, that L∞ is determined of the Kripke frame which is the union of the frames which has the order type Z (the set of the integers). It is used the reducing of the formulas to perfect disjunctive normal forms (PDNF).
Publication language: russian,  pages: 8
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Muchnik A. A.,  KIAM RAS