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KIAM Preprint № 69, Moscow, 2007
Authors: Gavrikov M. B., Pestryakova N.V., Uskov A.V., Farsobina V.V.
About some properties of method of character recognition, based on polynomial regression
Nonlinear dependence of estimation of recognition of symbol from 'distance' between its image and average raster of this symbol on base is shown, how for training, and for recognition that is used. Dependence of accuracy and estimation of recognition from degree of difference between bases of education and recognition is researched. Study is leaded for bases of recognition, that are got at help four models of 'destruction' of training base.
Publication language: russian,  pages: 21
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Gavrikov Mikhail Borisovich, RAS
  • Pestryakova N. V.,  KIAM RAS
  • Uskov A.V.
  • Farsobina V.V.