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KIAM Preprint № 87, Moscow, 2005
Authors: Golubev Y. F., Melkumova E.V., Touem R.C.
Equilibrium Problem for a Two-legged Robot On Rough Horizontal Cylinder
Equilibrium problem for rigid body under three forces is considered. This problem has been applied to equilibrium problem for a two-legged walking robot with foot\-holds on the external surface of a rough horizontal cylinder under condition that reactions components along the cylinder axis are absent. The existence criteria for static equations solution are given. Under assuming that the cylinder is but a one-sided constraint the classification of both isolated equilibrium positions and these generating a connected set is presented. The geometrical equilibrium criteria are formulated for two-legged robot.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Golubev Yury Filippovich, RAS
  • Melkumova E.V.
  • Touem R.C.