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KIAM Preprint ¹ 44, Moscow, 2005
Authors: GuermanAD., Golik I.V., Zaramenskikh I.E., Ovchinnikov M. Y.
Determination of Parameters of the Laboratory Facility for Testing of Magnetic Hysteresis Damper
Laboratory facility which comprises a string suspended disk with permanent magnet and hysteresis rod located within an external artifical magnetic field is considered. The analysis of motion equation of the disc was developed in a framework of three hysteresis models for the rod. They are: Rayleigh model, “parallelogram” model and “saturated” model. Required parameters of the models are estimated for 4-79-permalloy. The algorithm which allows us to compute an allowable factor of the air viscosity friction according to the given external magnetic field intensity and vice versa is developped. It is shown that an appropriate choice of the external magnetic field intensity can provide domination of the hysteresis decrement from the rod over the decrement due to viscous friction of the disc on air, and thus we can simulate the satellite attitude dynamics in laboratory environment.
hysteresis models, investigation of motion equations, analysis of satellite’s dynamics in laboratory environment
Publication language: russian,  pages: 32
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • GuermanAD.
  • Golik I.V.
  • Zaramenskikh I.E.
  • Ovchinnikov Michael Yurievich, RAS