Oriental Elements in RADZIVILIAN Manuscript Miniatures II
The RADZIVILIAN manuscript (further ะั) contains very many (612-623) different illustrations. As it has been shown in Fomenko & Nosovsky works concerning New (non-Scaligerian) Chronology it is rather usefull to preparate such material (which adds the main text and often contradicts with it) during the investigation of several problems which appear in trying to date the ะั. Four independent series of figures are examined in our article: Oriental elements in architecture; Oriental elements in flags and standards; Oriental elements in arms; Oriental elements in furniture; These series of figures contain several mistakes rather wonderfull as to our mind. It is shown that the existence of such mistakes usual mixing Moslem and Christian symbols can not been explained with the help of traditional Scaligerian Chronology. But it is possible to give quite simple explanations for them in New Chronology.
Publication language:russian, pages:29
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics