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KIAM Preprint № 19, Moscow, 2005
Authors: Ilyin A. A., Ovchinnikov M. Y., Penkov V.I.
Algorithms of the Magnetic Attitude Control System for the Small Spin-Stabilized Satellite
A preprint is devoted to an orientation problem of the small axisymmetrical spin-stabilized satellite. The magnetic coils interacting with the magnetic field of the Earth implement spin-rate control and the spin-axis attitude control. Two autonomous coil control algorithms are considered. For functioning of magnetic attitude control system with the first algorithm it is necessary to estimate a vector of the angular velocity of the satellite. The second algorithm does not demand an estimation of angular velocity. The power consumption of the magnetic attitude control system is analyzed for different required directions of the spin-axis of the satellite. The numerical simulation results of the satellite attitude motion with considered algorithms are represented.
small satellite, spin-stabilized satellite, magnetic attitude control system, attitude motion simulation
Publication language: russian,  pages: 32
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Ilyin Alexei Andreevich,  KIAM RAS
  • Ovchinnikov Michael Yurievich, RAS
  • Penkov V.I.