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KIAM Preprint № 40, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Arzhanov V.I., Voronkov A.V., Zemskov E.A., Ionkin A.A., Strakhovskaya L. G., Fedorenko R.P.
An Integration of the Nuclear Reactor Dynamics Equations with Feedback.
This work is devoted to the program complex for calculation of dynamic processes in nuclear reactors with feedback. The fool closed mathematical model, geometry of the reactor and computational grid used for approximation of the equations are described, A short description of the computational scheme, implicit difference scheme for diffusion equation, multigrid algorithm of the solution of the top level equations and results of verification of the code are presented. There well known bench bark problems were used, two for reactor VVER-440 and one for VVER-1000. The goal of numerical experiments was the study of the accuracy of the method and its time cost in dependence of main parameters, the step of integration dt and e, relative accuracy of the solution of top level equations.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Arzhanov V. I.,  KIAM RAS
  • Voronkov A. V.,  KIAM RAS
  • Zemskov E.A.
  • Ionkin A.A.
  • Strakhovskaya Liudmila Glebovna,  KIAM RAS
  • Fedorenko R. P.,  KIAM RAS