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KIAM Preprint № 28, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Gavrikov M. B., Pestryakova N.V.
Numerical Modeling of Convective Heat Transfer in Boundered Region.
A numerical algorithm is developed to predict 2D unsteady convective heat transfer by weakly compressible liquid in cavities of various forms with a number of dynamic and temperature boundary conditions in 'stream function- vorticity-temperature' variables. A splitting finite-difference scheme is used, which is linearized on convective terms, written in a special way. Here is noniterative implementation of the vorticity evaluation on a boundary. A universal for this class of problems computer program is used to model a flow in a channel with a square cavity on the bottom, and also a buoyancy-driven flow in a square cavity with side walls of different temperature.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Gavrikov Mikhail Borisovich, RAS
  • Pestryakova N. V.,  KIAM RAS