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KIAM Preprint № 88, Moscow, 1996
Authors: Pashin A.V., Silakov V.P.
The Dynamic of Inequipoised Microwave Discharge in Nitrogen under High Pressure and Evolution of Inequipoised Gas in Post-Discharge Period.
The article is devoted of perfection of the self-consistent local model of inequipoised wave discharge in nitrogen under high pressure (p ~ 1 atm). The detailed appraisal of influence of the integration lattice on calculating error of all plasma parameters was carry out by discharge investigations in the framework of the self-consistent model. Influence of particles N+ and N3+, gas-dynamic and heat- conducting effects on dynamic of discharge development in nitrogen and on evolution of inequipoised gas in post-discharge period was investigated.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Pashin A.V.
  • Silakov V. P.,  KIAM RAS