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KIAM Preprint № 103, Moscow, 1996
Authors: Zhukovsky M. E., Zagonov V.P., Chubukova S.G.
The Investigation of the Parallel Techniques of Solving Algorithms of Nonlinear Problems on Electromagnatic Fields Generation in Own Time.
The investigation of the parallel techniques of integrating algorithms of electrodynamics multidimensional equations in own time was performed. The multiprocessor code of numerical solving nonlinear problem of electromagnetic fields generation from pulse gamma-rays source in air of low density was constructed. The results of efficiency analysis of code in question were described. The numerical researches were made on the system MVS-100.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Zhukovsky Mikhail Evgenievich, RAS
  • Zagonov V. P.,  KIAM RAS
  • Chubukova S.G.