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KIAM Preprint № 41, Moscow, 1995
Authors: Vedenyapin V. V., Orlov Y. N., Pavlotskii I.P., Suslin V.M., Shumovsky A.S.
Estimation of Eigenvalues in the Raman-Type Nonlinear Model.
For general Raman-type model describing decay of a pumping mode into p components the estimation of eigenvalues is obtained. It is shown that at p>1 the exact spectrum contains a brunch with negative energies En and En→∞ when the number of exitations n→∞. The physical reasons are discussed.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Mathematical problems and theory of numerical methods
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About authors:
  • Vedenyapin Victor Valentinovich, RAS
  • Orlov Yurii Nikolaevich, RAS
  • Pavlotskii I.P.
  • Suslin V. M.,  KIAM RAS
  • Shumovsky A.S.