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KIAM Preprint № 16, Moscow, 1995
Authors: Bukhshtab Y. A., Galtchenko V.S., Koryagin D.A.
The main Features and Architecture of EIS-expert.
In the paper there are discussed some problems concerned with engineering information system design as information support of efficient and flexible control of large industry plants. The aim of the paper is to announce the project of software tools for expert engineering information systems design and to discuss the main details of the project such as expert shell, the metaphor of thematic information subspaces and heterogeneous data and application packages integration in the system.
Publication language: russian
Research direction:
Programming, parallel computing, multimedia
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About authors:
  • Bukhshtab Yury Alexandrovich,  KIAM RAS
  • Galtchenko V.S.
  • Koryagin D. A.,  KIAM RAS