On Earth ozonosphere space monitoring by stars occultation
The spectral and space inverse problems are considered for retrieval of gas and aerosol components by star absorption spectra measurements when the star immerses in atmosphere. Refraction effects are described in spherically homogeneous and non homogeneous atmosphere. Review of some aerosol properties is presented for Earth stratosphere and mesosphere. Possibility of stratospheric turbulence parameters determination is shown (in particular, turbulence transfer coefficient) by structural characteristic measurements of air refraction index on remote sensing atmosphere. Description of methods theoretical modeling of distribution stratospheric ozone and other minor species is given. Earth ozonosphere numerical modeling results are presented in frame of space one –dimensional model with account of diurnal variation and in stationary case with averaged chemical sources and sinks.
Publication language:russian, pages:40
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics