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KIAM Preprint № 35, Moscow, 2021
Authors: Gavrikov M.B., Tayurskiy A.A.
Hybrid model of a stationary plasma thruster
A mathematical model is proposed for studying the processes in a stationary plasma thruster (SPT) taking into account the ionization of the working substance - Xenon, based on the hybrid equations of electromagnetic hydrodynamics (EMHD) of the plasma. The 1D2V case of plane symmetry is considered in detail, for which a numerical algorithm for investigating solutions of hybrid EMHD equations is constructed, based on the method of macroparticles. The solution of a number of fundamental issues is given: the calculation of average values, interpolation, construction of the initial distribution of macroparticles, the choice of boundary conditions for the electric field, etc. The results of calculations with and without taking into account the induction fields in the SPT are presented.
stationary plasma thruster (SPT), hybrid electromagnetic hydrodynamics (EMHD), macroparticle method, generalized Ohm's law, plasma ionization, kinetic equation, equation of characteristics
Publication language: russian,  pages: 47
Research direction:
Mathematical modelling in actual problems of science and technics
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About authors:
  • Gavrikov Mikhail Borisovich, RAS
  • Tayurskiy Aleksei Aleksandrovich, RAS